Learn Elixir | Uses Of Elixir Task Module
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The Many uses of Elixir's Task Module


Mika Kalathil

July 25th 2019

The Task module is an amazing tool packed with functionality that can both improve the performance of our application and be used as a part of our system architecture. This article is all about exploring the different ways Task can be used and why we would want to use it in the first place.

Using the Task module for Parallelization

In a lot of languages, setting a bunch of heavy tasks to run in parallel isn’t usually the simplest of things, however, in Elixir, it’s no more complex than wrapping our function with Task.async_stream.

For example, take a long-running task

def func(i) do

Running this function sequentially would take around 55 seconds if we were to do

Enum.each(1..10, &func/1)

however, with a simple swap, we can bring this time down to 10 seconds or a 5x reduction in time to complete with nothing more than a change of the function used to iterate.

Task.async_stream(1..10, &func/1, max_concurrency: 10)

Note: without the max_concurrency option the number of processes at once is limited to the number of CPU’s on our machine

There are a few options to be aware of when using this function which is well documented here.

Using the Task module to start side effects

There are plenty of cases in Elixir we still need side effects, for example perhaps we get some input from a client and we need to update the database, but don’t want to wait for that update to return a response, this can easily be done by Task.start. However, what if we want the task to be restarted on failure? This is a job for a Task.Supervisor which can have customized restart options and also keeps the Task under supervision so that it can be restarted on failure. If it crashes fully the supervisor can handle its exit gracefully, which removes the chance of it leaving dangling processes.

To use the Task.Supervisor module we must first start the task supervisor to our application module

defmodule MyApp.Application do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [{Task.Supervisor,
      name: Task.SomeThingSupervisor,
      # this will cause our tasks to restart on non normal exit
      restart: :transient

    Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Then we can use the Task.Supervisor module to start our tasks under the supervisor

Task.Supervisor.async_stream(Task.SomeThingSupervisor,  &do_some_thing/1)

Using Task.async to speed up multiple long synchronous functions

Occasionally, we have multiple functions that are long-running and still require the response of them all for our final response. Take a case where we need to get multiple aggregates and aggregate those or even just return them, we could have a function like this:

def super_aggregate do
  agg1 = some_long_running_aggregate_task()
  agg2 = another_long_running_aggregate_task()
  agg3 = final_long_running_aggregate_task()

  combine_aggregates(agg1, agg2, agg3)

If each aggregate task takes 3 seconds, we’re now waiting 9 seconds to run these aggregates. Instead, we could use Task.async to run the 3 tasks and Task.await to wait for them before combining the aggregates.

def super_aggregate do
  agg1 = Task.async(fn -> some_long_running_aggregate_task() end)
  agg2 = Task.async(fn -> another_long_running_aggregate_task() end)
  agg3 = Task.async(fn -> final_long_running_aggregate_task() end)


This reduces the time by 3x and now we’re only taking 3 seconds to run all the aggregates before combining, much better!

Using Task.Supervisor.async_nolink to set state in a GenServer

Using Task.async_nolink we can send messages on completion back to a GenServer, or any OTP conformant module. This can be used to set state asynchronously and run long-running tasks on another thread, which keeps the GenServer free to respond to other requests. Take this for example:

defmodule SomeServer do
  use GenServer

  @default_name :some_server

  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    opts = Keyword.put_new(opts, :name, @default_name)

    GenServer.start_link(SomeServer, %{}, opts)

  def init(state) do
    # Make sure Task.MySupervisor is created in Application
    Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(Task.MySupervisor, fn ->
      {:set_state, :first, "First"}

   Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(Task.MySupervisor, fn ->
      {:set_state, :second, "Second"}

    {:ok, state}

  def get_state, do: :sys.get_state(@default_name)

  def handle_info({_ref, {:set_state, key, new_state}}, state) do
    {:noreply, Map.put(state, key, new_state)}

This allows us to always query get_state with quick response times while still allow for an expensive computation to run and then set the values to state when they’re available.

Calling this while it’s running would return %{} instantly. However, one second in another call to get_state will show %{first: "First"} and another second later %{first: "First", second: "Second"}

Note: Our get_state funciton is using :sys.get_state which allows us to get the state of any process by name

Using Task instead of GenServer when state or messaging isn’t required

Sometimes, we want a function to run every interval over and over for all time, this is known as polling. Polling can often have no state at all, for example, we could want to find all the users and check if they’re valid, if not send an email every day, in this, we wouldn’t need to keep a list of all users in the state but fetch them all from the database. To do this with a GenServer we would end up with something like this:

Example of converting a GenServer into a Task

defmodule MyPeriodicChecker do
  use GenServer
  require Logger

  @interval :timer.hours(24)

  def start_link(opts \\ [name: MyPeriodicChecker]) do
    GenServer.start_link(MyPeriodicChecker, opts, args)

  def init(_) do
    send(self(), :run)

    {:ok, %{}}

  def handle_info(:run, state) do
    Logger.info("1 day is up, I'm running...")

    Process.send_after(self, :run, @interval)
    {:noreply, state}

A second look at this GenServer implementation and we realize that the state is unused and we have a pretty much useless init function! In these cases we could use an alternative:

defmodule MyPeriodicChecker do
  use Task
  require Logger

  @interval :timer.hours(24)

  def start_link(args \\ []) do
    Task.start_link(MyPeriodicChecker, :run, [])

  def run do


    Logger.info("1 day is up, I'm running...")

For more complex options and ensuring tasks are only run once per interval including on restart, quantum exists, which has many more options and can run over a distributed cluster with many different configuration options.

Distributing Task load across a cluster

Distribution is important, making sure that no one node is doing all the work allows for each node to do less and have more space to process other things or respond to requests quickly. The task module provides a really quick way to do this, while still being able to await their responses:

nodes = [node() | Node.list()]
tasks = Enum.map(1..100, fn i ->
  Task.async({Task.MySupervisor, Enum.random(nodes)}, fn ->


This spawns 100 tasks each going to a random node from our cluster and then is awaited at the end to return the result.


The Task module is capable of many things when working with expensive tasks or when we want to run things in parallel, it’s a fantastic tool to learn and can speed up your application with little effort.